Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Complex Condition with Potential Links to Breast Cancer

Introduction: Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a complex condition characterized by severe, unexplained fatigue that does not improve with rest. This fatigue can interfere with daily activities and can lead to physical and emotional problems. Research: Research on CFS is still evolving, but some factors that may contribute to this […]

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS): A complex condition with potential links to cancer

Introduction Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a long-term condition characterised by severe fatigue that is not relieved by rest. It can also be accompanied by a number of other symptoms, such as muscle pain, headaches, and cognitive difficulties. The exact cause of CFS is unknown, but it is thought to […]

What does it look like with astigmatism? Find out

Many people around the world suffer from astigmatism. It is one of the most common eye health conditions, after myopia. If you do not suffer from any visual defect and have a curious personality, surely you have ever wondered how it looks with astigmatism. Stay with us and keep reading because in healthshop24x7 we are going […]

My eyes change color. Why?

The color of the eyes is something very particular to each person. Although we can group them into broad categories such as “brown eyes”, “blue eyes” or “green eyes”, the truth is that there is a wide variety of chromatic tones, ranging from the lightest to the darkest and even eyes […]

Types of hearing aids: How many are there?

Hearing aids have meant an advance in the quality of life of many people suffering from hearing loss and is that hearing clearly is essential when we want to communicate with our environment. It is normal that over the years we lose hearing quality, although we take care of our ears, so […]

Sleep with contact lenses. What if you sleep with contact lenses?

Maybe you just wanted to close your eyes for a while and in the end you fell asleep. You may have been too lazy to take them off when you return home at dawn after a night out. Or maybe you’re traveling and you’ve fallen asleep on the bus or train. If you are a user […]

Cognition in the recovery of traumatic injuries

Surely if we were to ask what the Cognitive Therapeutic Exercise (ETC) or better known as the Perfetti Method is for, those who have heard of it would answer that it is aimed at the recovery of patients with neurological disorders and, specifically, those with hemiplegia. The idea is not […]

Craniomandibular problems and supplementation

Nowadays there are more and more people with orofacial, cranial or mandibular pain, due to one or several causes such as the stress that our society is experiencing. How many people do you know who bruxate (press their teeth) at night? Or do they even clench their fists tight and […]

Development and integration of knowledge in neurosciences in the physiotherapy treatment of neurological patients: neurocognitive theory.

Today neuroscience can no longer deal with the brain considering only the perspective of neurobiology that is interested in more structural levels of the nervous system (cellular and molecular level); with the entry, in the mid-twentieth century, of cognitive sciences in the panorama of sciences it is considered that the […]