Introduction: The birth of a child is a miracle of nature. It is a complex process that involves the coordinated action of billions of cells. Cellular events in pregnancy: The process of pregnancy begins when a sperm fertilizes an egg. The fertilized egg, or zygote, then implants in the lining […]
Read Time : 3 Minutes
Can your dentist know you’re pregnant before you?
We start this post with a little humor to tell you that, once again, our body emits “signals” that refer us to other health issues. We discussed it in a post we shared about how the body is connected and a gum could report inflammation on another side of the body… In […]
Read Time : 2 Minutes
The importance of prepartum
Prenatal care is important because during pregnancy, if possible, you should lead an active life and exercise without getting too tired. Gymnastics in preparation for childbirth is a complement to this active life that every pregnant woman must lead, but it is also important to have theoretical information about situations […]