Hypopressive abdominal gymnastics (GAH) was created by Dr. Marcel Caufriez in 1980 in Belgium, has several applications in the field of health, prevention and sport. It is based on exercises performed in different postures at a slow pace, achieving the activation of various muscles of the body and the relaxation […]
Cognition in the recovery of traumatic injuries
Surely if we were to ask what the Cognitive Therapeutic Exercise (ETC) or better known as the Perfetti Method is for, those who have heard of it would answer that it is aimed at the recovery of patients with neurological disorders and, specifically, those with hemiplegia. The idea is not […]
Craniomandibular problems and supplementation
Nowadays there are more and more people with orofacial, cranial or mandibular pain, due to one or several causes such as the stress that our society is experiencing. How many people do you know who bruxate (press their teeth) at night? Or do they even clench their fists tight and […]
Development and integration of knowledge in neurosciences in the physiotherapy treatment of neurological patients: neurocognitive theory.
Today neuroscience can no longer deal with the brain considering only the perspective of neurobiology that is interested in more structural levels of the nervous system (cellular and molecular level); with the entry, in the mid-twentieth century, of cognitive sciences in the panorama of sciences it is considered that the […]
Pelvic floor: what it is, why it weakens and how we can restore it. Perineum or pelvic floor This is a collection of muscles and ligaments that seal and support the entire lower abdomen, keeping the bladder, uterus and rectum in the correct position and in suspension, against the force […]