Lumbargia and/or lower back pain is a very common pathology in our society. It can come from a cumulative pain, meaning that the area is progressively loaded, or it can appear suddenly and abruptly by making a movement or carrying weight. In all cases, however, there is always, even if we don’t think about it, a progressive cumulative overload before intense pain occurs.
In most people, whether they are sedentary or athletes, this pain and overload usually originates from a lack of stability of the lumbar vertebrae. Although there are other possible origins of low back pain, this is the most important, and is the result of a mechanical affectation.
Anatomically, between each of the vertebrae we find the intervertebral disc that performs a shock-absorbing function and, around this, a very thin muscle that is responsible for stabilizing and fixing each of the vertebrae with its intervertebral disc . We also have a very important and more global girdle-shaped muscle: the transversus abdominis muscle. The contraction of this leads to a contraction of the fine stabilizing muscles that we mentioned earlier.
So to avoid low back pain and/or to improve it, it is important to work and tone this muscle. What do we recommend to avoid low back pain? Work this area with techniques such as the Pilates method, which allow us to improve the stability of the area. But it is also very important to have good postural hygiene, since many times we are aware of how we sit or walk and we have to be very careful about our posture at work, at home and while we make some effort to avoid overloading the lumbar